Private Tutoring, Education, & Research Services

Tutoring, Education & Research Services

Our tutoring, education and research service is for when the commission structure of what we get paid to help you for by the Insurance Companies don’t work, like if you are asking for help on an employer plan, where we are not the agent.

Our suggested donation is $150/hour is during the “Off Season.”  During Open Enrollment – Medicare Advantage 10.15 – 11.7,  Health Care Reform 11.1 to 1.31  there will be an increase.  It just gets so hectic.

We often discount these rates or do the research pro bono, if it’s of general interest and will help build our website.    Just use the comments/ask a question feature on the relevant page of our website and we generally reply within 1 business day, no charge.

Please note also, that the Evidence of Coverage – Your actual policy – is required to be written in plain English, just read it three times and when you think you understand it, read it again, will answer most every question that comes up.


We do NOT give advice or make recommendations.  We simply give you the correct information with a citation to reliable sources.

Here’s three ways contribute to our website for personal assistance in learning, private tutoring, research, etc.

Why & When might a Research, Tutoring & Education Fee be appropriate?


Dennis Prager in the video above right or scroll down specifically discusses the example of a woman knowing upon walking into the local camera store that she plans to buy a camera online. Nevertheless, she takes up thirty minutes of the salesman’s time with questions about one camera versus another.

You are intentionally stealing time from an innocent salesperson who could be earning a commission from working with a different customer. Are cameras, TVs, stereos and other items more expensive at stores than they are online? YES. But the schnorrer might want to consider that the salesperson’s time, the opportunity to test products, touch them, and compare them is worth the extra money you pay in person. You get what you pay for. … we have obligations as consumers, not just rights.

Yes, being a schnorrer is not illegal. But it’s unethical, and un-Jewish. (Ask any rabbi from any denomination.)


Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (“CAA”)

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (“CAA”) entities providing brokerage and consulting services (referred to  collectively as “covered service providers”), including their affiliates and subcontractors, who expect to receive $1,000 or more in direct or indirect compensation, to provide plan fiduciaries with a written disclosure “reasonably in advance of” when the contract is entered, extended, or renewed.  Read More 

Authority and Limitations on Research  – #Consultation Fees

We will NOT advise you, but only do the research and then YOU interpret and make your own decision.

ADVISE  a :  to give (someone) a recommendation about what should be done :  to give advice to <advise her to try a drier climate> 

b :  caution, warn <advise them of the consequences> 

c :  recommend <advise prudence> 

to give information or notice to :  inform <advise them of their rights> Miriam Webster  

Ministerial Duties Journal of Legal Profession

Nor will we enroll you in any plan as part of this fee.

We only do our “best efforts.”  We are not attorney’s and do not purport to be able to look up every single thing that might be relevant to your situation.  It’s only research, it’s up to you to verify all information.  We do not  practice law or give legal or tax advise.


Tutoring, Research and Education only, appear to be fine and legal.

Life and disability insurance analyst” means a person who, for a fee or compensation of any kind, paid by or derived from any person or source other than an insurer,

advises, purports to advise, or offers to advise any person insured under, named as beneficiary of, or having any interest in, a life or disability insurance contract, in any manner concerning that contract or his or her rights in respect thereto.  CA Insurance Code §32.5


Resources & Links

Find an Attorney

All our plans are Guaranteed Issue with No Pre X Clause
Quote & Subsidy #Calculation
There is No charge for our complementary services

Guaranteed Issue - No Pre X Clause - Quote & Subsidy Calculation - No charge for our complementary services - If not in CA click here for Nationwide Quotes

Watch our 10 minute VIDEO
that explains everything about getting a quote

Full detailed explanation of how to use our quote engine video

Dennis Prager – Is customer always right?

Video is the customer always right
View on You Tube

Testimonials & Accolades

Thank you so much for your assist in navigating this complicated insurance process.

I feel so lucky to find you!

I would like to contact you if I have any questions in the future because you are the only one who can give me a clear answer in this field.

I really, really appreciate you. 🙏

Julie L 


Read our other clients testimonials and/or write one 

Specimen Individual Policy #EOC with Definitions

Employer Group Sample Policy

It's often so much easier and simpler to just read your Evidence of Coverage EOC-policy, then look all over for the codes, laws, regulations etc!  Plus, EOC's are mandated to be written in PLAIN ENGLISH!

Specimen Policy with Definitions

VIDEO Steve Explains how to read EOC

Videos by Steve Shorr

One comment on “Purchase Tutoring, Research & Education

  1. Great. [That you jumped the hoops and got your Pay Pal Account in order]

    Don’t want to be one of those people who squeeze you for knowledge and you never get a penny.

    It’s part of your business, but I’m not like that.

    Talk to you in a year.


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